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To followers of Daniel John Lee (dnajlion7) the street preacher


Updated: Oct 12, 2024

To followers of Daniel John Lee (dnajlion7) the street preacher,


This information in this letter is to expose Daniel John Lee for what he really is. Although he claims to be an anointed holy apostle of ‘Yahweh’, he is not what he pretends to be, and here is the evidence to prove it. I’m sending this to as many of his supporters and followers as I can find, because you all have a right to know what this man you’re following is really about. Because Daniel is considered by many to be a dangerous man, this information could possibly save a life. At the very least it can save people from being scammed of their money, or from marrying this ungodly man and having their life ruined. Please look this information over carefully and prayerfully, and do what’s necessary to keep yourself safe!


He has a history of getting people to take him in, and also support him financially, and talk them out of their money for his ministry, even to the point of getting thousands of dollars from them. He stayed with an elderly lady who gave him large sums of money and he tried to get her to marry him, and when she asked him nicely to leave he turned on her and has been falsely accusing her ever since. He turns on those who realize he is not right in the head and tell him to move out by making up lies about them and slandering them over and over. If a home he lives in has a single woman in it, he wants to marry her and get her money, even if she is 39 years older than him. He’s been married 9 times.


He had a 4.65 million dollar lawsuit against him from four pretty well-known people whom he accused of being pedophiles and satanic abusers. I included information about this near the end. I used to hear him on youtube declaring MANY politicians, actors, ministers, etc., as being pedophiles. When I first ran across him, that is what he was doing openly and daily – going after famous people and making those blatant accusations without proof, and I started researching him and saving some screenshots of things he said concerning people he knew, like x wives, former friends, strangers, etc. I’m including many of those in this letter to show you that this man is mentally ill, possessed, and could actually be very dangerous. And even though some of these screenshots will be from years ago, his recent comments show that he is still mental and wicked. He has a life-time restraining order to keep him away from his 6 children. He abused their mom.


He often has expressed a desire to kill people and send them to the lake of fire. This guy is scary. He is not the ‘good minister’ that he pretends to be. In his most recent videos I noticed him naming different people and lying about them as he cuts them down repeatedly. He names names when he slanders people. He has hurt and harassed many families.


He has a criminal record a mile long which includes stalking, resisting police, abusive behavior, etc., and has hurt many women. He has convinced nine women to ‘marry’ him, not usually through a legitimate marriage but through his own version of a Biblical marriage and he does this so he can use them for sex and for their money. He tells them to turn over all of their money to him, as he believes husbands ‘own’ their wives, tells them to call him ‘lord’, do what he says ‘or else’, I was told that he physically abuses women and also has perverted sexual demands for his wives. They often flee from him shortly after they marry him, and he advertises for another. You will see in the screenshots some of this. I’m informing you of these things so you can realize his character.


What he is doing is slander, malice, threatening, and imbalanced. He is falsely accusing good people who only tried to help him. He's not telling the whole story. The Bible says to hear both sides. It's unjust and wrong and he is guilty of defamation of character for many people. The hatred coming out of his mouth is tantamount to hate crimes.


Here are the screenshots that reveal his psychotic and dangerous self. I’m not worrying about if they’re in order or not. Just wanting you to see how his psychotic brain works. But it does start with older ones from 2007, 2009, and then newer ones from a week ago, and you’ll be able to see that he is pretty much the same even after many years.

Annika was his first wife. Here are just a few of the ways he abused her: "“He put his first wife in a closet, telling her she could not come out until she repented of not being submissive enough. Pushed her while she held newborn the day after giving birth at home. He made her have a home birth with no midwife.”

He’s probably lying about Anca. He makes stuff up or twists stuff, to slander.

Tara Myers in the comments above, was one of the unfortunate women who married Daniel, believing he was actually a godly man. She asked me to share part of her testimony of her marriage experience with him. Here is what she shares with us:


“Daniel bought my THC for me at a dispensary in Alaska bc it is prescribed to me for PTSD.. He then used it later to tell me I was full of demons after we slept together.. He woke me up told me I had to go he had me a flight already scheduled then screaming at me telling me I was full of demons and the way I danced and worshipped was proof of it etc.. Then I called my mom in shock telling her I was about to catch a flight home she asked if I needed money.. He grabbed the phone and told her no he would take care of that, then when we got to airport he laughed saying “enjoy your flight with no money you wicked woman”

That's basically all... We did ketubah thing in Branson week before that and right after he wanted to sleep together...I told him I was not comfortable yet.. And he said as your husband you will obey.. It was so weird I still don't know how I fell for it all and he is so disgusting it's hard to even look back

I was scared to be honest

But this last time he contacted me after I exposed him and took his Twitter down.. I knew it was a divine meeting.. bc I had healed. And was ready for him.

I said everything I needed to say but was guided by the holy spirit giving him one last chance to change his ways before his downfall

Also in Branson he jumped up on a couch above me screaming in my face "you hate the Torah!", bc I asked why he still won't wear anything but cotton etc

His ears grew and his face turned dark right before my eyes.

I saw what he really was.”

Daniel’s Expectations of a Wife

2,164 views 11 Jan 2019

dnajlion7 Shitty Preacher Talks About Beheading Wife ;o... Daniel Lee doxed his own wife and gave away her location ;( hoping one of his cult followers would do his dirty work, suggesting and manipulating a jack & jill story into a beheading fantasy about his wife... Using religion as a weapon is a terrorist??? He is crazy and i saw what he was doing in this case ;( any of his followers could have acted on on his sick "massiah" ISIS manipulation...



“They said I they said I threatened to decapitate my wife which is not true. What my wife is doing is a picture of the body of Messiah. Right now she is in rebellion she is going back home. She just wants to do things her own way rather than to submit to her authority which is me because First Corinthians 11 says the head of a husband is Christ and the head of every wife is her husband so rather than submit to her authority she wants to just do her own thing and yet still pretend to be religious. I mean she was still wearing her zitzit, her head covering. I mean ridiculous. Anyway I think maybe this is a prophetic picture that um the Great Tribulation is headed our way. I looked up the poem Jack and Jill and it actually says it's a poem based off I think King Louis the 15th and his wife and they got beheaded and Jack and Jill was sort of a poetic play on words about their beheading. They got beheaded I thought oh that's what happens to the martyrs. You know six sevenths of the Bride they don't prepare their garments except for Smyrna. Six sevenths of the Bride other than Philadelphia they don't prepare the garments and so they have to go to the Great Tribulation they have to get their heads chopped off and martyrdom and I thought well maybe even the fact that Jackie and Jill came is another sign that y'all saying you know what the martyrdom is is coming because my bride refuses to wake up so I'm gonna have to put her through the Great Tribulation and chop off their heads in order for them to finally come back to the first love.”






Agent 19 - Daniel John Lee aka Dnajlion7 CONVICTED STALKER, Sept 28 2019 

1.6K views 3 years ago

Transcript of Video:

0:00 hello everyone you know who this is yet you have absolutely no idea of course in spite of all the information that has come across my desk in the past few days i find myself brought back to this individual daniel john lee the street preacher who was arrested for terroristic threatening he's also a fierce supporter of phil mcconnell and timothy charles homeset in their stalking of an individual by the name of kim picazzio out of florida. You may recall mr lee having said this:


“I have all these three offices i'm apostle daniel john lee i'm i'm prophet daniel john lee and i'm an evangelist daniel john lee, and i i operate in all three of those offices and i have the gift of prophecy the gift of healing the gift of discernment the gift of knowledge i discern spirits uh the i have the gift of tongues and i have the gift of interpretation of tongues and uh i also have the gift of interpreting dreams like daniel of old, but basically i am a modern day Joshua son i've done so if yahweh leads you to my ministry or leads you into my life you need to obey me.”


As if this individual's arrest for terroristic threatening wasn't bad enough, an individual by the twitter handle anonymous nyc posted some additional information earlier today and i have to say that mr lee's criminal record is extensive. However the conviction that really stood out in my mind was his conviction in 2011 for stalking. Daniel John Lee is a convicted stalker. Does this come as a surprise to anyone because it certainly comes as absolutely no surprise to me anyway that's all i have for you

I can’t believe how many ppl DJL has fooled and believe every word he says. He’s such a disturbing person, his views seems so twisted.. I just don’t get how ppl don’t see that about him. He’s back to telling anyone that disagrees with him that they are wicked and need to repent or parish in the lake of fire. His followers need to see him for who he really is!

She may not have heard him saying „ My wife is my property“. He is against child slavery, but woman slavery seems to be ok..


Well, he found another woman stupid enough to marry him - yes, wife #6. It lasted 4 days & she left him. Anyone surprised? No.

I have never heard a human this blatantly displaying his superiority and arrogance...even satan himself is more subtle


dnajlion7 is looking for love..

1,009 views 11 Oct 2018


“woman who loves Yahshua who's in the United States any American woman you got ten days ten days to be married to one of the most godly wonderful great awesome husband that you could ever want which is me”

What a weirdo!! Now he’s looking for wife number 9!


The search is on in 2022 for Dando! Wife number 9 woohoo!

Folks, the state licensed psychologist at his custody hearing said Daniel has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. NPD symptoms are a grandiose delusion of how important they are, always wants attention, very charming at first ( to hook you), very controlling, NO EMPATHY. Women have written Daniel is always hunting women down in town ( I assume this was in Portland). On the first date at the Olive Garden he proposes, he is in love and has never felt this way before, and if the woman doesn't believe him, he leaves and she has to pay the bill. This is typical NPD behavior. He married the first wife three weeks after finding her on Facebook. With a NPD, they move as fast as possible so the woman they have charmed does not see the real guy. Only after they have caught you....will the real man come out.

NPD is the opposite of self-confidence. They see themselves as the most wonderful person on the planet and are very angry and hold a grudge against anyone who challenges this. They manipulate, use people, blame other people, and flat out lie. When did he again start asking his followers to send in photos? The 5th wife fled Sept. 7th, 2018. A NPD can start looking for the next " supply" of his narcissism a few days after losing the last " supply." But come on people....he looks like a beached whale. Yes, Daniel can't see that....but come on people. He has nothing to offer. He lives in a one room apartment. He takes 15 minute breaks from " work" and does a video in his apartment?


His ex wife Cindy said he crapped in a bucket and showed it to her after she locked the bathroom door, you can't make this stuff up.



HERE IS JUST A TRANSCRIPT OF A SMALL PART OF A VIDEO DONE BY A FORMER WIFE (WIFE #5) OF DANIEL’S (More of the video was too gross to put here – you can go listen if you want to):

Daniel Lee (dnajlion7) Is Lookin For Wife #6

10,404 views 10 Jan 2019


“0:27 He is the grossest person he does not believe in using any kind of chemical so he doesn't believe in using toothpaste. He does not believe in using deodorant and stuff and he doesn't believe in shower and everything he said it's bad for your health like really disgusting and he's like really weird but….”


“1:08 stuff it was all about him and what he got you know it was like no pleasure in there for me it was really bad damn he was like” (about sex)


“He's hired prostitutes, tons of them, when he was after his first wife when they were split up or some from what I heard it was in the hundreds, hundreds of prostitutes….”


“2:50 so you like a pig like and I wasn't allowed to lock the bathroom door because he have to use the bathroom constantly like just all sudden and one time he shit in the bucket cuz I locked the door and it was a bucket I was gonna plant in and he's like showing me his shit and he was just like he grossed me out"


“3:17 he literally took blood and put it on the floor … I said no, you put blood on the floor, you’re gonna clean it and didn't do it because I told him he had to clean it. Who wants to be wife number 6?”

I'm no saint >>> but if he treats people he doesn't know like this ;o... it's no wonder his last 2 out of 6 wives left in under a week... I know wife number 5 and she is the sweetest ;) most uplift positive happy go lucky person i've met here in YouTubeLand in a long time... And she's wasn't going to be his house/sex slave, he was manipulating his cult doctrine to get whatever he wanted weather she liked it or not... He picked up his wife to be from the bus station without money to even drive her back to his place in Alaska >>> not even 1 hour of face to face contact wit his wife to be >>> he was telling her to pawn her rings for gas money to get back to his house... So not only was it a long way to get back to his house ;( but she didn't even have anything to eat almost for the first 24 hours of her getting there, and she had to ask some drug addicts from the gas station to feed them on their way back to his slave house... So for what little they got for the rings >>> they bought gas and he spent the rest on egg salad sandwiches and didn't share any of the 2 sandwiches with her... This wa before he was making over $10.000 a month form YouTube... The dude is a mental case at best and only describes one day around this fraud... PEACE to you and yours :) SR


Below are his most recent interactions which show that he has not changed much throughout the years:

Below are the comments under this post of his, and mine at the end, before he blocked me. So do you think his responses are those of a godly man, or even a sane man, or one who is wicked and/or possessed? This is from this week, so it’s obvious he hasn’t changed much or at all since those screenshots from 2007 and up. I didn’t screenshot these but copied and pasted without editing – this way the names are linked to their facebook pages.


Alice Reidarsson  ..and husbands should learn to love their wifes like Christ loves. Everything we do should be in love, even correction and not in bitterness (1chor 13)


Daniel Lee  Alice Reidarsson DUH!!!!! I never disputed this you wicked woman. Repent or burn in hell. Why do you hate Jesus so much????


Daniel Lee  Gary Denning Please use the KJV version. That one you are using is terrible.


Becky Gilliland Porter  Daniel Lee the king James version was written by 3 pedophiles who changed the bible and William also wrote a book on Demonology. The Geneva bible was banned and they only wanted them to use the KJB. You need the Ethiopian bible to get closest to the truth. If you look back thru history they all had the same stories but with different names and all before Jesus was ever here. I have a list of councils, front and back of a note book page, that have changed the bible over time. I thought we werent supposed to change his word yet they are deleting verses out of the KJB. Did you know the Queen owned the copyright to the KJB? Which means she could alter it anytime she wanted.


Daniel Lee  Becky Gilliland Porter Wrong you wicked filthy jezebel. I have proof for how the KJV was written. JESUS HATES YOU PER PSALM 5:5. REPENT QUICKLY OR YOU WILL SOON BE TOSSED INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE BY JESUS. You need to get born again ASAP.


Anne Marie Shirk  Gary Denning wow really lol



Daniel Lee  Becky Gilliland Porter Wrong, you wicked and evil and sick jezebel women. And I can prove how the KJV came about -- through 58 scholars, not 3 pedos. you are a good reason why a woman should keep her mouth shut when it comes to biblical matters per 1st Timothy 2:11 and 1st Corinthians 14. May Jesus of Nazareth and His Father Yah rebuke you. You are a very evil woman.


Daniel Lee  Barbara Derderian You too are an evil woman. Why? This is what I said to Becky -- Wrong, you wicked and evil and sick jezebel women. And I can prove how the KJV came about -- through 58 scholars, not 3 pedos. you are a good reason why a woman should keep her mouth shut when it comes to biblical matters per 1st Timothy 2:11 and 1st Corinthians 14. May Jesus of Nazareth and His Father Yah rebuke you. You are a very evil woman.


1 Peter 3  King James Version

3 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;



Daniel Lee  Anne Hynynen Never disputed any of this.

Daniel Lee  Anne Hynynen Hey you devil, I know you think by quoting scripture you are somehow getting points for yourself, but as you set yourself up as a jezebel queen, know that Jesus will cast YOU into a bed of fornication because you did not keep your mouth shut. I do not need a wicked woman like you to instruct me or even quote to me scripture when VERY OBVIOSULY my post does not, in any way, contradict the scriptures you're posted. But see, the motive of your heart has been laid bare, and you hate Jesus, you filthy woman!!!


Lisa Richmond  Daniel Lee coming fm a Christian man, u unbelievable! Pray all we can do!


Daniel Lee  Lisa Richmond you wicked devil. Why do you hate Jesus so much???


Katmarie Koker  Daniel Lee, address this to YOURSELF. You are a bike hate filled POS... absolutely no one would want a pile of dog shit to be like turn people AWAY from scriptures


Daniel Lee  Katmarie Koker Jesus hates you per Psalm 5:5 as you seek to exalt Jezebel.


Scott Clinton Glover  Anne Hynynen I appreciate the KJV usage


Daniel Lee  Scott Clinton Glover While she likes disparaging comments toward me. You are sick lukewarm pansy man who hates Jesus. You will burn in the lake of fire if you do not repent, you wicked man who loves the jezebel spirit!!!


Deborah Clarke  Read that in the context of that situation bud. Other situations they did


Daniel Lee  Deborah Clarke So here you are violating 1st Timothy 2 trying to instruct me. And what is even one example where a female teaches a man doctrine in all of Holy Writ? You are a devil. You better get born again and turn to Jesus soon, because very soon you will find yourself in eternal torment in the lake of fire!


Patricia McMahon Guy  You are correct but your delivery of this message is massively disrespectful and antichrist. Jesus would NEVER talk to a woman the way you have.


Daniel Lee  Patricia McMahon Guy Yah rebuke you little devil. I am mightily filled with the Holy Ghost. I say this, you wicked jezebel woman, if you do not repent, for accusing me of the very thing you are guilty of (being filled with a anti christ spirit) you will burn in the lake of fire forever. Jesus LOVES my delivery and I can prove through many scriptures where He, and Apostle Paul, used a similar delivery!


Debbie Garrett-Bates  Daniel Lee your delivery is a bit extreme.


Lisa Richmond  Patricia McMahon Guy u said it 100%! He hates women!!!


Daniel Lee  Debbie Garrett-Batesmy my delivery is perfect in Christ, you wicked devil.


Daniel Lee  Lisa Richmond you are a false accuser. I have women who attend the church I pastor 6 nights a week.


Bill Smallback  What about Ruth.. Deborah and many others. If you look at the persecution of the church at the time, women were mistreated much worse than men. Paul's teaching some believe was to keep women safe and not a target. Not so much sit down and shut up for eternity.


Daniel Lee  Bill Smallback  Ruth and Deborah never taught men biblical doctrine, you wicked devil.


Tracey Lynne  I cannot believe that Daniel Lee would be even posting such a thing like this ! And you claim to be a follower of Christ!? A follower of Christ would never talk to people like this . This post makes you look like you have very little credibility in what you preach/teach !


Daniel Lee  Tracey Lynne You cannot believe I am preaching the Bible? I walk in the fruits of the Holy Spirit and His Word, you little devil!


AwakeGloriousBride  Now we know why Daniel was told to seal the words and book till later time.

It gives the body of Christ the opportunities necessary to see unclean spirits manifest & opposing the Holy Spirit.

May the Lord rebuke Satan.


Daniel Lee  AwakeGloriousBride  I am filled with the Holy Spirit. Careful, you attacking me brings you to very dangerous territory. Yah rebuke you, you little devil.


Samantha Stevens  Yeah you're wack af. I used to think you were onto something. Over the course of the past 2yrs you've really gone down hill into looney toon land.

Also this post and your attitude and replies to people's comments. Yeah it's giving misogynistic little dick energy. NOT sorry at all.

People like you are EXACTLY why I don't adhere to Christianity anymore either. As well as verses like that.

Condemn me to hell all you want idgaf. Can't condemn someone to something they don't believe in.

But believe me you're turning more and more people away from Christ as opposed to turning them to him.


Daniel Lee  Samantha Stevens So you use the f bomb while claiming to love Jesus??? Why do you hate Jesus so much? Clean up your filthy mouth by repenting and turning to Jesus so your filthy heart can be cleansed.


Edwin Marshall Davidson  Samantha Stevens I totally agree. If someone didn't know Yeshua and they see Daniel as the result of excepting Yeshua I would go another direction. People should know we are Christians by our Love. Yeshua was a o loving to the women at the well. She may not have experienced that acceptance before. Yeshua didn't call Her a wicked women and tell her to repent or burn in He'll. Yes we are to repent and He'll may be a end product. But Yeshua was a light and told her what the Father had to offer . Water that she would never thirst. We are to try to treat people as Yeshua treated people. I'm sorry for Daniel's actions. Most People who follow Yeshua don't name call and tell everyone their going to Hell. We tell them how Yeshua changed our lives. We show people love that may even be the least. Yeshua was Humble and loving and he showed it over and over. The last supper he washed those who followed him their feet. Yeshua was Humble and loving.


Daniel Lee  Edwin Marshall Davidson Jesus hates you. Youre a lukewarm laodicean piece of vomit that Jesus will throw into hell if you do not repent. Please see Palm 5:5 you filthy hypocrite.


Patty Sutherland Fink  I have a lot of things I could say but the Word of God also says “Do not cast your pearls before swine.”


Daniel Lee  Patty Sutherland Fink Yah rebuke you, you filthy pig. Why do you hate Jesus so much?


Nancy Richardson  If you don't want to hear Christian women teach, why do you send them friend requests? No matter how the Gospel is shared, or who it is shared by, you should be thankful that people are hearing the Gospel, as long as it's the Truth of the Gospel. Your heart is bitter. Philippians 1:18

King James Version

18 What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.


Daniel Lee  Nancy Richardson I've never seen you teach. Yah rebuke you, you little devil. And what is wrong with having female friends. I have females in the church I pastor. Why do you hate Jesus so much you wicked little devil???


Scott Clinton Glover  Nancy Richardson I appreciate the KJV usage...


Tonya S Roberts  Women have the right to teach anyone as long as it's God inspired.


Daniel Lee  Tonya S Roberts  You filthy devil. Why do you oppose the Bible??? Why do you hate Jesus?


Stacy Hatton  You are confusing the way churches worked in the old testament to the new testament. Yahshua changed this. There wasn’t a need to do as they did in the old. You’re sad confusing people because you have bad feelings towards women.


Daniel Lee  Stacy Hatton Jesus hates you per Psalm 5:5 as you seek to twist the word. This is why women should jeep their mouths shut concerning biblical doctrine.


Ministr Kevin  The first woman to evangelize was the woman of Samaritan in John 4, and many Samarians received Jesus Christ because of her message, so don't go that route please


Daniel Lee  Ministr Kevin  Thats not teaching men doctrine you wicked devil.


Daniel Lee  Ministr Kevin  literally all they women did was go report to THE MEN that Jesus had risen SO THE MEN COULD GO DECLARE THE GOOD NEWS!!!


Daniel Lee  @lionslayer -- you are an absolute liar. And do you know where liars go? They go STRAIGHT to HELL!!!! I tell you the truth, you wicked sinner -- if you do not repent and get born again soon, Jesus is going to throw you into the lake of fire so fast, it will make your wicked head spin!


Daniel Lee  April Lynn Scarberry We do NOT all sin you WICKED woman!!! 1st John 3:6 -- Whosever abides in Jesus does not sin. Also, you are a female, thus you are NOT to teach other men Biblical doctrine per 1st Timothy 2:11-end of chapter. So SHUT YOUR WICKED MOUTH YOU FILTHY WOMAN!!!


Matt Bell  Gosh that’s very judgemental of you to say that. Also is it not continuing to create conflict and division by saying that statement and this then makes your knowledge of living Jesus’s teachings also as fake as the ones you judge. Judge others not for you be judged yourself by your own judgement. Go in peace 


Daniel Lee  Matt Bell Hey you pansy man -- why don't you grow a backbone? Better yet, why don't you forsake your sin by surrendering to Jesus? Repent soon, Matt, or you will soon find yourself burning forever in torment in the lake of fire!!!


Maxine Gray Perrin  You are not his judge


Daniel Lee  Maxine Gray Perrin John 7:24 says I am his judge, you filthy devil.


He indirectly threatened this lady’s life “Your time is almost over” and “very soon” (to burn in the lake of fire).

To Daniel, a response to the video linked above. He deleted my comment and muted me.

What applies to you is that you are the one on your way to hell. You are NOT Yah's anointed. Not at all. You are the wicked one Daniel. You are the one going to the lake of fire. You are not pure and holy, you are foul and Yahuwah is disgusted with you. What you think are rewards for you are not from Yahuwah. You are filth. You are the one speaking and acting against Yah's anointed, and you will be dealt with severely for that. Nothing you say back to me will be received nor will affect me negatively so don't bother with all your nasty remarks. I am blessed and loved of Yah and serving Him, and your false doctrine beliefs will not affect that. You don't even know how to understand the Scriptures. And the demons in you help keep you from being corrected. But they are your buddies and you won't get delivered of them. They will escort you to hell. You aren't going to trample on your relatives' blood as you've indicated you want to do. It is your own blood that you will waller in. We've turned you over to the tormenter for the destruction of your flesh. Yes we have the authority to do that. You are not the apostle you think you are. You are a wicked servant of satan who pretends to be of Yah, a wolf in your sheep's clothing.



@horribilisclank7897  5 years ago  The sheer radioactive, toxic ferocity, rage and hate which blasts out from this guy needs to be paid very close attention. This is a very dangerous man, who sees nothing, cares for nothing but himself. His own words damn him. You are watching a lost soul, lost in the desert of his own delusions.

@joylaine3193  4 years ago  One of the sickest men I have ever seen on the internet... He is seriously deranged..

@kathrynantonsen8303  4 years ago  He has a pattern of liking, loving someone UNTIL they don't do what he wants. They go from being good, God fearing people, whom he speaks highly of to no good sinners who will die in the lake of fire! This boy, yes I said boy, no man, especially a man of God, behaves like this, IS SICK!




Extreme Street Preacher Daniel Lee says this to female student at Valdosta State Univ.

241 views 1 year ago

@LKennedy  1 year ago  No wonder this guy has had 8 wives, mostly via his homemade written ketubah contract. Geez. ️ of course, he requested them to call him lord. Needless to say, he’s been divorced when lawfully married and the rest, they just left. Thank goodness!!


“1:00 nevertheless the woman shall be saved if she has children if they continue in faith and charity you need to repent find a husband and become a baby pumping machine is what you need to be so that you can be saved. You're women you women need to shut your mouth and learn from God….”


@johnnapier3339  4 years ago  I love, love, love seeing this evil minded man exposed.


@spirit2600  4 years ago (edited)  NICE to WITNESS HIS TRUE COLORS !!! PLEASE do Your Research I used to watch some of his Videos Until he Judged Everyone - Except Taking Any Responsibility for his ACTIONS. WAKE UP and Unsubscribe and DO NOT Send him money Please ! Thank YOU for Exposing the TRUTH of who he REALLY is I Witnessed on Several Occasions, giving him the Benefit of the Doubt. An OPPORTUNITY to LEARN & GROW as None of Us are Perfect Anyone Who is WISE - Will take the Opportunity to Learn and Grow and Become a Better Human Being. True Colors for REAL - I wish that Everyone Could See this to Wake Up to TRUTH ! You can't change STUPID ..... Just Saying..... they need to Change - it is a CHOICE I am Unsubscribed and I can't Believe that I thought he was a GOOD Human Being..... hmmmm

@1whogotaway  4 years ago  Thank you for the comment :) yes no one is perfect and we can all learn from one another good or bad... This fraud is nothing more then a perverted scam artist that prays on the mentally ill and elderly for the bulk of his donations ;( he also pulls in over a hundred dollars for YT as he begs for money... Can't believe YT allows this to go on on there platform >>> i reported him to the IRS >>> because he doesn't pat taxes and hasn't for over 10 years >>> anyone can make a report without giving personal information... PEACE to you and yours and am truly happy that ya found the truth that is the fraudster of Daniel John Lee >>> he is also a lady abuser that has inflicted years of abuse to all of his 6 wives and 5 children... All of the have lifetime restraining orders out on him for the abuse he put them all threw... He also has been caught in sexual encounters multiable with underage girls >>> it's online if ya spent a few hours looking >>> that's the thing ;( most don't take the time to look up his history... His arrest record is thicker then him and Jenny Craig put together and is fairly easy to find when search in Oregon files... Truth wins everytime and the hearts of kind people will expose him for what he really is :) Have a great day Spirit PEACE be with you ;) 1Who GotAway


dnajlion7 SHITTY Preacher Treats Ladies In Front Of Children

4.4K views 5 years ago

dnajlion7 SHITTY Preacher Treats Ladies In Front Of Children If this is how he conducts himself in public just imagine how he treated people behind closed doors... …



@SonOfHutch  4 years ago  Whoa..... the lion became a jackass quite quickly.


@michellelane-smithwick9067  4 years ago  This man has bi-polar disorder. He’s disease rises to psychosis. It’s sad that he will not get help.

@1whogotaway  4 years ago  Some people can't be fixed >>> 40 years of abusing other while pointing his finger at everyone but himself ;) i'm almost certain that old dog can not learn new tricks. PEACE to you and yours :) MLS just be happy 98% see him for what he really is :)


@michellelane-smithwick9067  4 years ago (edited)  I hope people can see he has a severe mental health disorder & goes into psychotic episodes when he’s acting like this bs laughing at him. Even calling the police would be a humane thing bc he could finally be pushed to take medication. It amazes me that woman find him attractive & he keep getting married. There’s multiple women’s name in his video rebukes of them. He does not work, he is morbidly obese, etc. IDK what they see in him.

@1whogotaway  4 years ago   @michellelane-smithwick9067  5 children and 6 ex wives that have lifetime restraining orders of no contact says alot about a man >>> i mean con artist.


@steveshapiro326  3 hours ago  He has a powerful set of lungs, will talk like a motor mouth. First wife even said he talked in his sleep and thrashed. Truly believes God speaks to him and he is sinless.

@1whogotaway  5 years ago  Man of God or a idiot that lost 5 wives and 6 children because of the way he treats others like garbage??? This guy is about as close to God as Ted Bundy was >>> and should be ashamed on how he treats total strangers... No wonder he can't work and has to lie/scam for a living... Whoever donates to this man is giving the means to continue his abuse on the public >>> he is a predator that only cares about the money he scams off of the mentally ill and elderly >>> by saying he protects children... What a joke he truly is...

@1whogotaway  5 years ago  He's still on his favorite subject ;o... that he himself is a expert on... Projecting his masterbaition on others is a sin... The masterbaiting preacher has no shame on how he conduct himself in front of children >>> truly a sad sight to see... As alwayz :) PEACE to you and yours PW


@taramyers6510  3 years ago  I just left him...he is the opposite of Jesus


@purpleangelwings6579  5 years ago  He should of been removed in handcuffs shocked !!! What an embarrassment !!!

@1whogotaway  5 years ago  I'm sure all the horror stories all his ex wives said are true, if this is how he conduct himself in public... PEACE to you and yours :) PAW


@emily1570  3 years ago  He keeps getting more and more followers no matter how much we spread the word. People need to wake up and stop give this nut money!


@steveshapiro326  3 hours ago  So did Charles Manson and Jim "kool aid" Jones in Guyana. some people fall for it if they are weak or don't have background info.


@SharonRemeikis  4 years ago (edited)  So disrespectful towards women. Very disappointed in his public display of his behavior. Calling a women a bitch! Calling out the people with such horrible names. He claims to a man of God? He needs to repent for his words and ask for forgiveness.


The Best of Dnalion7 (Backed up on 9 other platforms) Keep an Eye on the Screen

Several clips of him calling women bitches, even with children present

2K views 4 years ago

DNAJLion7 In The Dog House w/ Doug Hagmann Lawsuit Looming!

2,859 views 13 Oct 2019

@lauravictorious4670  3 years ago  They did sue and Daniel didn't even show up to court. The four men were awarded a total of $4,650,000.

@lorilex16  4 years ago  Dnajlion7 took on john b.wells..robert david Steele...Jonathan cahn...mark Taylor...craig sawyer...steve Quayle


I’m showing you this lawsuit below to hopefully help you understand the lengths Daniel may go through to slander and defame you once he gets rejected by you, after you realize how wicked he is and ask him to leave. I don’t know if his accusations of these men are true or not, but he never presented any evidence or witness against them in the case. In fact, he didn’t even show up for court. And look how badly it affected their families, getting death threats and all. And I know from friends that once he is rejected, he makes up lies about the people and spreads rumors based on these lies, even if they were friends for several years, and even to the point of threatening harm of their children.



“After many months of relentless and baseless accusations made by Daniel John Lee against four individuals (Craig Sawyer, Russ Dizdar, Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann), a self-proclaimed investigative reporter (Daniel John Lee) was sued in civil court in March, 2020 pursuant to his wishes. Despite the promise of proving his case through discovery, Lee failed to respond to the defamation lawsuit, resulting in a default judgement.

Earlier this year, a hearing for damages was held in Stark County, Ohio. Defendant Lee failed to appear for that hearing. One exhibit was offered into evidence by the plaintiffs, which is being shown publicly for the first time in this video segment from The Hagmann Report broadcast on Thursday, June 3, 2021.

On Tuesday, June 1, 2021, plaintiffs Craig Sawyer, Russ Dizdar, Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann were awarded $4,650,000.00 (aggregate) monetary damages in a court judgement against defendant Lee.

We hope that this award will deter others from engaging in such defamation, which is injurious to the work of the plaintiffs and victims of human and child trafficking.”




Russ Dizdar and his wife Shelly died of Covid

Russ Dizdar died October 18, 2021

17 days later, his wife has passed, also reportedly from Covid-19, November 4, 2021


Daniel said he thinks that Yah caused them to die to protect him, Daniel.





Plaintiff Marinka Peschmann (Peschmann), a Canadian citizen, brings a lengthy eleven-count Second Amended Complaint asserting defamation, misrepresentation, civil conspiracy and other torts against Defendants Douglas Hagmann (Hagmann) and Stephen  Quayle (Quayle) as well as twenty "John Doe" defendants. Peschmann is mainly a freelance political reporter, with other writing credits to her portfolio. She wrote an article about Defendant Hagmann for publication on a site called Canada Free Press about Hagmann's claim that he was being targeted for surveillance by the National Security Agency of the United States. Plaintiff claims the information provided by Hagmann and upon which she based her article was false. She later issued public retractions of her article.

The details of the disagreement between the parties were played out in public on both sides as not only did Plaintiff write several articles along with her retractions that were critical of Defendants, but Defendants, in turn, on their own Internet media programs and elsewhere were critical of Plaintiff and her accusations against them. The Report and Recommendation provides the details of these episodes and they will not be repeated here but to say that Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint, the operative pleading, reads as a soul-baring catalog of complaints of Defendants' comments about her and critique after critique of Defendants' work and political views."


"He went into his friends rehab nursing home in New Jersey and went into a rage screaming at all the nurses . He is permanently banned from there now and from his friend by the family. He doxed the nurses by name in his video."

He misuses Scripture over and over in effort to control people, and if one dares to disagree with him, or correct him, etc, he says this kind of stuff to them, and it is NOT how a godly man should act. In the last 7 minutes of his video on Rumble “Univ of Maryland: Reproving the Pedophilia in Islam……” at he was at first talking kindly to the people there and then a man who WAS HIS FRIEND who is also street preacher mentioned that not keeping the Sabbath won’t send someone to hell (he is a new believer and is learning but has not started keeping the Sabbath yet) and instead of talking with him and guiding him gently, Daniel went psycho on him and started screaming that he is on his way to the lake of fire, is not a Christian, yelling “Jesus HATES YOU!!!!” over and over. I encourage you to go listen to the last 7 or 5 minutes of this – this is his normal way to ‘minister’ to people, and it is very hateful, condemning, mean, controlling, and ungodly.

Daniel keeps saying he does not sin and is perfect, yet he is very sinful and mean. This is what people are supporting when they try to help Daniel by housing him or donating to him. He’s the most wicked fake Christian I’ve ever seen and I want people to see the whole picture. My friend said that in his recent videos he treated the students horrible.

People who have given him huge sums of money and at some point disagreed with him or asked him to move out when he was staying with them, he has turned on and made up lies about them and then spoken those lies in his videos to slander and shame them. When he marries a woman (and he’s done it 9 times, because the women get scared of his insane rants and leave him often within a week of marrying him) he demands that she turn over her assets and finances to him and OBEY him or else.


On his newest video on Rumble , Listen at 16:35 "B__ and A__, you're gonna suffer. You're gonna watch S__ your daughter die an excruciating death. C__ and B__ you're gonna watch your daughters die an excruciating and horrible death. R__ and K__, Jesus hates you so much. because K__ you're a jezebel and R__ you're an Ahab and you guys are lifted up in so much pride. .... R__ you're wicked. K__ you're wicked. You hate Jesus. Why do you hate Him so much? And you're gonna be torn down. You're gonna suffer a miserable death. And that's before you go to the lake of fire. If you don't repent. I hope some of you repent but I think a lot of you are getting close to reprobation." Later he says “He says everyone is commanded to support him financially, not an option” and “But I am sinless, righteous and pure, filled with the Holy Spirit, walk in the fruits of the Spirit. I obey His word. I don’t sin.” I encourage you to listen to the whole thing – it’s crazy.


I know some of these people and he is lying about them. They just disagreed with him. He actually says on one video that when you are led to follow his ministry “you need to obey me”. The man is a fake Christian.

UPDATE 9/29/24


“The Philadelphian Church Song -- A Song The Holy Spirit Gave To Me This Sabbath Morning”

Excerpt from at 1:36 “You're gonna make all those miserable hypocrites, even the synagogue of satan who claims they love you but they really do not, you're gonna make them, these liars come and worship before my feet.”


“Univ of Vermont: A Wicked Jezebel Female Student Confronts Me, I Rebuke Her & Tell Her To Shut Her Mouth, This Draws A Crowd of 70-75 Students Encircling Me, One of THE MOST Mocking & Vile Crowds EVER, I Shake The Dust Off My Feet And Leave!!!”

28:43 Said that women are to keep their mouths SHUT!"

Said "If you have a vagina, you are not to be teaching the Bible to me"

He told them this is MY campus because it belongs to ‘Jesus’ and they (the students) are wicked.

The students put circus music on twice during this event.

He said God Himself will torment in hell. That is a lie. God weeps when He looks at people dropping into hell. It's the absence of Him that causes the people and demons in there to do torment.

Keeps bringing up masturbating – accusing the students of masturbating

Him: "You can become like me!" Woman: "Oh my God!"

He calls Jews ‘filthy Jews’ - Sure there are some filthy Jews (referring to where the Talmud supposedly says a Jew can have sex with a 3 year old), but Jewish students there should not be addressed that way. THEY aren't having sex with 3 year olds. And is that really in the Talmud? It may be, but it’s not something to throw at Jewish students who he’s supposedly trying to bring to the Lord.

They all cheer when he threatens to leave.



“Anons Exalt Roseanne Barr Who Proceeds To Curse God As Patriots Cheer, Hurricane Helene's Utter Devastation, 1-40 & 1-26 Collapse, ISRAELI TANKS, HEAVY ARMOR, TROOPS ADVANCING TOWARD LEBANON BORDER, Israel Knocks Out Major Terrorist Leaders”

Listen at 4:26 to 5:40 when he’s talking about the hurricane victims

In another recent video he tells the students they are as wicked as Adolf Hitler

UPDATE 9/30/24

Haughty looking Daniel

Holy Spirit Prophetic Word Given to Me about You Wicked Parents in the USA Who Refuse to Teach Your Children to Love Jesus Christ, walk in the Hebrews 8 Covenant, and obey Yah

Notice that he thinks it was the Holy Spirit that gave him these words. Put in comments below what spirit YOU think gave him these words please.

Quote of Daniel’s on this video “… you don’t teach your children these things, so God says ‘okay, I’m gonna kill all these children and take them to be with me so I can teach them, and you parents are gonna go to the lake of fire and never see your children again.” (then he flicks his tongue back and forth like a serpent at 1:21) “never gonna see your children again cause you never taught them the ways of holiness….”


Then he goes on to name people and tell them they are going to hell – these are Godly people who disagreed with him on some subject and so he turns on them, slanders them, and condemns them to hell. One of them is Tara, who married him at one time and she gave me a paragraph which is written earlier on this page with part of her testimony as to how evil he acted towards her.


“A lot of you people who have children, some of them you’re going to drag to hell with you, others you’re never gonna see again ......... they’re living holy despite you and you’re gonna go to the lake of fire. So this is the beautiful word the Holy Spirit has for me. Halleluyah halleluyah praise God halleluyah. Oh you miserable hypocrites, your time is almost over. Psalm 37 you’re gonna be removed from planet earth, and people like me who are holy and righteous and sinless are gonna be the ones who are ruling and reigning on earth with Christ. I’m gonna get to sit in the throne of Jesus even as Jesus sat in the throne of the father, I get to sit in his throne cause I’m gonna overcome just as Jesus overcame, and all those who choose to overcome, and you know who you are you overcomers as you continue to overcome, …..”

The video is just over 5 minutes long. Go take a listen. Be educated as to what kind of so-called 'man of god' this guy is.

Here is another video link. It's for the university he preached at today, 9/30. I'll mention the highlights of his inappropriateness.

SUNY Oneonta: Police Try To Intimidate Me, I Stand My Ground, Bella Joins Me Preaching & Invites Her Boyfriend and Other Christian Students, Soon Large Crowd Forms, Revival Seems to Be About to Break Out, Then Hypocrite Jezebel Ruins Everything

At this event, the police were studying his license plate at the end. A riot almost starts, he screams at a young lady and sort of lunges at her, and another woman stands between them, to keep him away from the gal, and tells him he's not going to do that. We didn't know it until the next day, but the gal whom he was yelling at filed a complaint against him the next morning and keep reading to find out what happened the next day when he went back to preach there again! Listen starting at 2:16:40 at how he reacts when the woman calmly expresses her thoughts on something 'Jesus' would or would not do and Daniel goes ballistic on her instead of calmly explaining to her what he wanted to say to her.

Somebody confronted him in the video comments about lying and telling people he lives in Arkansas. Daniel deleted the comment. A kind older woman had let him stay in a room in her mansion in Arkansas in the recent past, and donated a large amount of money to his ministry, and he tried to get her to marry him (so he could take control of her money, because that is what he's done to women in the past - he'd tell them they have to turn over all of their assets to him), and she refused and made him leave (I mentioned her earlier). So he turned against her and started slandering her on his videos, calling her wicked. He continues to claim that he lives there and that is what this screenshot is about:

He actually is saying that older woman's mansion belongs to HIM!

Here is a short video where he explains what happened when he went back the next day to preach again at the above university!

SUNY Oneonta: Before I Even Get To My Preaching Spot, Police Arrest Me, Take Me Into Custody, Book & Process Me, Fingerprint Me, Then Shove Me In Front of A Local Judge, Judge Then Releases Me!!!! (Arrested for the Gospel's Sake)!

The gal whom he calls the Jezebel student filed a complaint with a harassment charge and he got arrested when he came back to preach the next day! The video’s only 7 ½ minutes long – give it a watch. He is actually PROUD that he was arrested LIKE PAUL for THE GOSPEL’S SAKE. He even shows off his wound from the SHACKLES! So proud is he. He acts very excited about getting arrested!


He verbally abuses a woman for saying Jesus would never rebuke anyone, instead of explaining calmly to her how Jesus sometimes rebuked people (people who were evil and doing what they knew was wrong, not regular people who didn’t understand the Scriptures). Daniel rebukes or corrects VERY ABUSIVELY, rather than with love and patience and kindness as the Messiah would do to people like this woman.


He resisted arrest until they were about to taze him, he disrespected the judge by talking over him and the judge told him to NOT talk over him, he has a court date set up and said he is going to represent himself (LOL, can you imagine what might happen in the court room? An outburst?). He can get a year in jail, and without a lawyer, perhaps he will. Could you see him trying to start a prison ministry and acting the way he does to the inmates?


Look at how he responded in the comments below the video to a woman, Christine Flint, one of his supporters, who must have told him he was abusive (he deleted his comment but not his nasty response).

@Christine Flint -- Yah rebuke you wicked woman! I was NEVER abusive but was completely under control of the Holy Spirit. You wickedly accuse Jesus of being abusive when He cleaned the Temple out with the whip. You better repent, Christine, or you will burn forever in the lake of fire for your WICKED false accusation against me. You are another great example why a woman, per 1st Timothy 2, SHOULD KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT, when it comes to trying to teach a man doctrine. Repent, Christine Flint, or you will burn forever in the lake of fire for FALSELY accusing a holy man of Yah covered in the Blood of Jesus of being abusive. You're of your father the devil, and you cloak your words in the jezebel spirit. Jesus hates and despises you per Psalm 5:5 and you better wake up or you will be joining that jezebel witch in hellfire!!!!!

@Christine Flint: Your prayers are an abomination to Yah as you refuse to obey 1st Timothy 2:11 and 1st Corinthians 14 and as you, like your father satan, falsely accuse the brethren, even while you pretend to be "concerned" and helping a man of God "not being abusive" even while he is operating under the unction of the Holy Spirit. You're a liar, fake a phone and you do not fool Jesus, you wicked jezebel woman!!!!!


wonder if mf realizes he's eating in a place run by a cult lol, wish he got tazed

your wishes will only bring you wrath, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. only fools don't listen to wise counsel

If you're referring to the 12 Tribes organization that runs the Yellow Deli restaurant, I am well aware of their teachings. However all their food here is home made and organic. You know, you making judgments against other people is laughable as you cuss and unleash a foul tongue and as you wish evil upon me, namely me being tazed by the police. Yah and His Son Jesus will punish you so hard, and if you do not repent soon, you will find yourself in hellfire, in torment day and night forever and ever! Repent sinner!


Here is a picture of his car, by the way, in case you want to know if he is coming your way! It’s a 2013 Toyota Corolla.


Some highlights of this video showing his evil non-Biblical attitude towards Yahuwah’s daughters:

<<<You’re not a Christian, you’re a hipocryte, God hates you….. you blue sweatered wicked female woman! … Jesus hates you, you’re disgusting! … You’re a good reason why the Bible says for a woman to keep her mouth SHUT! First Timothy 2:11 says I suffer not a woman to speak but to be in silence. She’s not to teach doctrine to a man so as a woman keep your mouth SHUT! Keep your mouth SHUT. Why do you call yourself a Christian yet you still sin? … Shut your mouth you filthy woman! You women with vaginas, shut your mouth! Shut your mouth! You women should NOT be speaking … the Bible says …. First Timothy 2 verse 11 Let the woman learn in silence! Oh you don’t want to hear the word of God? You wicked Jezebel!  .. I’M the righteous one – I’M the perfect example of Jesus Christ! …  Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection, but I suffer not a woman to teach, I suffer not a woman to usurp authority over the man! … You women need to find a good godly husband and pump out babies. You’re supposed to be baby pumping machines. Barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen – that’s where you righteous women belong! …. The woman is not allowed to open her mouth in the church… I actually know some righteous and holy women who know their place – they know their place – they know that they’re owned by their husbands, or owned by their fathers. … if you have a vagina, shut your mouth! Don’t talk about the Bible.  … women you need to get born-again first and then once you get born-again you’ll learn how to be meek, and quiet, and find a godly husband, and then you get barefoot, pregnant and stay in the kitchen where you belong.>>>


Here is an overview of what the Scriptures about women actually mean. Daniel teaches them incorrectly, based on mis-translated words, verses used out of context, and his women hating abusive nature – he uses verses about women (twisted versions of them) as his justification for verbally abusing women and also his former wives.) So I feel it is important to let people know what the verses REALLY teach, when they are NOT twisted and used out of context, so you don’t get sucked up in his web of deception!


Some people, especially men, love to use 1 Timothy and a few other Scriptures to spiritually and verbally abuse women with. That whole section of Scripture in 1 Timothy 2:8-15 is being taken out of context when it’s used that way. If any of you reading this want to know what the verses about women really are about, read on. These points cover most of the passages about women.


1 Timothy 2:8-15 King James Version

8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety


Acts 2:17-18 King James Version

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith Yahuwah, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:


I’ll go over the above verses shortly.


1 Corinthians 14:26-33 King James Version26 How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to Yahuwah.29 Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.30 If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.31 For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.32 And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.33 For Yahuwah is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.


He didn’t turn right around in verse 34 and tell women to keep silent and that it’s disgraceful for them to speak in the services! The verse shows us that women as well as men will prophesy. And by the way, for those who insist women cannot teach men, the word prophesy is #4395 in Strong’s Concordance and the meaning includes ‘to teach’, in the original language.


#4395. prophēteuō: to prophesy, to be a prophet, speak forth by divine inspirations, to predict, to utter forth, declare, a thing which can only be known by divine revelation, to break forth under sudden impulse in lofty discourse or praise of the divine counsels, under like prompting, to teach, refute, reprove, admonish, comfort others, to act as a prophet, discharge the prophetic office.


It needed to be done in an orderly way for all, to avoid confusion. Notice that he said ‘all’ may do this (that includes women) and it says ‘all’ may learn (that includes men) – this includes women and it happens IN the congregation where there are also men. Women teaching men.


Continuing on from 1 Corinthians 14:33 - Here’s a case where Paul writes something and it’s not his own words, but he is quoting what the people said and it should be in quotation marks, and then he is responding to their statements.


1 Corinthians 14:34-38 King James Version

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience (‘hypotassō’ meaning submission) as also saith the law.

35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

36 What? came the word of Yahuwah out from you? or came it unto you only?

37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of Yahuwah.

38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.


Ignorant men, and some women too, like to use this verse to control women into silence in the congregations, but it’s being used out of context. Paul is quoting the people and then responding to them. It should be written like this.


Their words that Paul is referring to: “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience (submission) as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”


Paul’s response: “What!? came the word of Yahuwah out from you? or came it unto you only? If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of Yahuwah. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.”


That word “What?!” is conveniently omitted in some of the translations. Yet it’s that word that shows that Paul is challenging them on the words they wrote to him. First of all, Paul had women ministers who taught both women and men, Priscilla being one of them, who with her husband, Aquila, who had a home church together (1 Corinthians 16:19 The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in Yahuwah, with the church that is in their house.), taught Apollos the ways of Yahushuwa more clearly (Acts 18:24-26 -v. 26: And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, THEY took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of Yahushuwa more perfectly). He never forbade this! It wouldn’t even make sense for him to tell women to keep silent in the churches because that would make him two-faced, going against his own practices. And there is NO law in Torah or in the New Testament that labels women’s speech as shameful. They were getting this from people like the Pharisees who believed and taught this way. They wrote about it in their Talmud, the book that contains their ‘oral laws’ – laws which are the laws of man and not of Yahuwah. Read the information in the link to read about these.


Secondly, they were asking him about how to keep order in the services because they had people speaking messages in tongues and prophecy all at once, and women asking questions of their husbands who may have sat across the room, and these things disrupted the services. To have them run more smoothly he told them to speak one at a time, and concerning the women question, they wanted the women to wait until they got home to ask questions, but Paul was NOT agreeing with them on the ‘law’ telling them to keep silent. Nowhere does Torah tell women to keep silent!


Women spoke in tongues and prophesied as well as men, in this same letter, in the previous verses, and he was just giving instruction to both women and men on speaking one at a time so things would be orderly.


Below are some verses that are used out of context to forbid women from teaching I will expound on them shortly.


1 Timothy 1:3-4 King James Version

3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, (can also be better translated: that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer)

4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.


1 Timothy 1:7 King James Version

7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. (can also be better translated: They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.)


1 Timothy 3:2 King James Version

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;


1 Timothy 3:12 King James Version

12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.


Ephesians 5:21-33 King James Version

21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of Yahuwah.

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto Messiah.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Messiah is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject (subject should be translated submit (from Greek word hypotasso – explained later) unto Messiah, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Messiah also loved the church, and gave himself for it;


Colossians 3:18-19 King James Version

18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit (or fitting) in Yahuwah.

19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.


Titus 2:3-5 King James Version

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient (should say submissive) to their own husbands, that the word of Yahuwah be not blasphemed.”


By the way, the Scripture above does not mean that teaching young women is the only way they can teach. This is just one example. Women can teach Scripture to all human beings. There is no Scripture forbidding women teaching men, as many insist.


Genesis 2:18 King James Version

18 And Yahuwah God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.


Proverbs 31:10-31 King James Version

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.


1 Timothy 5:14 King James Version

14 I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.


Revelation 2:18-29 King James Version

(At the church of Thyatira) you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.


1 Peter 3:1-8 King James Version

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection (should say submission - "‘hypotassō’ in Strong’s Concordance (#5293)) to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of Yahuwah of great price.

5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in Yahuwah, adorned themselves, being in subjection (should say submission) unto their own husbands:

6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:


Here’s what the author Sandra Clements says about this section above, verse 6:

“Finally, Peter uses Sarah as an example.  Sarah is recorded as referring to Abraham as "lord."  She used the word, "lord" when she had been informed that she would bear a son, Isaac, from her own body.  She did not use the word to convey subservience, but it is used in respect to her husband.  Historians report that the term as actually one of endearment as in "honey" or "Sir."  It did not mean rulership.  Keep in mind that scriptures also says that "Abraham obeyed Sarah," mutual respect and submission.  Peter in 3:7 reinforces his point of mutual submission by informing the men that in the same way the women are to live, " are you."  You show consideration to your wives in your life together, paying honor to the woman as the "weaker vessel, since they too are also heirs of the gracious gift of life - so that nothing may hinder your prayers."  The term "weaker vessel" is a cultural term; women of that time were considered weaker in every aspect: physically, intellectually, and spiritually.  Peter says that men were to pay honor to this person whom they have always considered weaker.  But now, she is an heir, and if they fail to respect her, their prayers will be hindered.”


‘Conversation’ here means actions, not just words. Giving ‘honor’ to the wife means to respect her, just to clear up the notion that women are to respect their husbands but husbands are commanded to love their wives but are not commanded to respect their wives – they are commanded to respect them.


"‘hypotassō’ in Strong’s Concordance (#5293), and means ‘to arrange under, to subordinate, to subject, put in subjection, to submit to one's control, to yield to one's admonition or advice, to obey, be subject’. Strong's: "This word was a Greek military term meaning "to arrange [troop divisions] in a military fashion under the command of a leader". BUT in non-military use, it was "a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden". Since these verses are talking about the marriage relationship, the meaning is the latter one. I was told that Daniel locked his first wife in a closet for not being submissive enough, until she repented, because he DEMANDED obedience from his wives! You can see his demand for obedience in some of his screenshots.


It becomes more obvious when you make the comparison – the word is a military term and had those first listed meanings when used in a military context. Picture the commander of an army ordering the soldiers to do things, and if they refuse, the commander has them court-martialed, or flogged, or dishonorably discharged, or thrown in the brigg (prison). If you think a marriage should also be ran this way, you need to be single! Yahuwah’s instructions for marriage are not anything like this.


"I Am Your Drill Instructor Mashup"


So the translators were incorrectly interpreting that word in 1 Peter 3:1-8 (and other verses) and calling it 'be in subjection' which is NOT the correct meaning according to the non-military meaning. A marriage is NOT to be like a military base where there is a sergeant who gives orders and there is a soldier who better obey them or she will get court marshalled and thrown in prison or dishonorably discharged! That totally goes against the meaning of the word submit as a voluntary act of love! It also goes against the fact that there are times for the husbands to submit to their wives, as believers are told to submit to one another.

Strong's #5219 - 'hypakouō', used in verse 6 "Even as Sara obeyed" means 'to harken to a command, to obey, be obedient to, submit to'. Her husband did not command her to say she was his sister, he asked her to, or begged her to, and so the word obey or be obedient to doesn't fit there, but submit does, because she voluntarily gave in to his request. When the Scriptures talk about marriage relationships and use the word 'obey' concerning the women to their husbands, they are picking the wrong word - they should have picked 'submit', which has a meaning implying that the woman had a choice and chose to honor the request rather than obeyed like a dog would his master.


Gen 12:13 King James Version13 Say, I pray thee, (#4994) thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.Strong's #4994 is 'nā'' and means 'I (we) pray, now, please - used in entreaty or exhortation'. As I said, he didn't command her, he asked her or begged her, so she didn't obey an order, she submitted to a plea!





1.     The verses 1 Timothy 2:11-12 about women usurping authority over men doesn’t even exist. The domination of males was so bad in the cult they came out of that the men would cut their testicles off to emasculate themselves. Neither men nor women are to dominate each other. Where it says the woman should not usurp authority over the man, the word for authority is 'authenteō' (also called ‘authentein’) and this is the only time it’s used in Scripture, and DURING the New Testament writings in Paul’s time in around 65 a.d., it had the meaning of “self-murderer” and “one who slays with his own hands.” It’s meaning had nothing to do with authority until between 100 and 200 a.d. A study of Paul’s letters shows that he regularly used a form of the Greek “exousia” when referring to the use of authority in the church It actually says, when translated correctly, the woman is not to teach her husband to commit violence against himself – referring to the men in the cult these people came out of, castrating themselves. That verse is directed to a specific woman concerning her husband, not to women and men in general. He switches from plural ‘women’ in the verses preceding this, to singular ‘woman’ in verse 11 where he says “Let the WOMAN (not women) learn in silence with all subjection. This is about a particular woman, a wife, who hasn’t yet learned the ways of Yahuwah, and needs to be quiet and learn, rather than continue to teach the cult’s doctrines. Verses 1 Timothy 1:3-4 refers to that: ‘command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer’, and 1 Timothy 1:7 ‘they want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about’.


2.     The verses telling women to obey, or be subject to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18, Titus 2:5) are using the wrong translation of the Greek word, hypotassō, which is a military word that means those things in military context, but when used in non-military context, such as marriage, it means submission, which means "a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating, assuming responsibility, and carrying a burden". It is the same word used in Ephesians 5:21 which tells believers to submit to one another. Obviously, believers do not need to obey other believers – they need to cooperate with each other and carry each others’ burdens so that all can get along in love. It does not mean obedience or be subject to, so in some verses it was translated incorrectly, probably by male translators. Believers submit to one another includes men sometimes submitting to their wives. It works both ways.


In Colossians 3:18 where it uses the term ‘as is fitting in the Lord’, there are times when it is NOT fitting in Yahuwah for the wife to submit to her husband. That is the condition there - to submit to him when it is fitting. There are a few examples in the link when it was not 'fitting' for the wife to do this. One of them is Abigail and Nabal, but there are a lot more. There are times when he should submit to her. Both should submit to Yahuwah and then there wouldn’t be disagreements about what to do. The Holy Spirit would lead both the same way.


3.     Man being ‘head’ of the woman does not mean he’s the boss of her or over her, it means he’s her source. MANY abusive religious men use the word ‘head’ to imply that the husband is the wife’s boss.


4.     The verses 1 Timothy 3:2 and 3:12 about a bishop (and a deacon) being the husband of one wife are not gender related verses implying that women cannot be bishops or deacons, because it says the exact same thing about deacons as it says about bishops, and Phoebe was a deaconess and a woman and was commended. The reason it didn’t also say a bishop or deacon has to be the wife of one husband is because women didn’t have multiple husbands in those days like some men had multiple wives, and so it didn’t need to be said. Use common sense and you’ll understand a lot more. Some people refuse to do that.


1 Timothy 3:1-13 King James Version

This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop (which can also mean pastor), he desireth a good work.


(‘man’ is #1536 ‘ei tis’ in Strong’s Concordance and means ‘whoever, whatever’ – “if whoever desires”. Is from #5100 ‘tis’ – ‘an enclitic indefinite pronoun; some or any person or object’ – “if any person desires”)


(‘bishop’ is #1984episkopē’ ‘feminine noun’ – ‘overseership, office, charge, the office of an elder, the overseer or presiding officers of a Christian church’ – “if any person desires the office of an overseer, elder, or presiding officer of a Christian church he desireth a good work” – and the word ‘man’ in this text means ‘any person’ and the word ‘bishop’ is a feminine noun. And it’s a ‘good work’.


(From “Phoebe: Deacon and Benefactor” by Dr. Rob Dixon

“In his essay “What Can We Say About Phoebe?,” J. David Miller argues that Paul’s usage of diakonos in Romans 12 carries with it the notion of leadership. He writes, “Phoebe’s description as diakonos includes the qualifying phrase ‘of the congregation in Cenchreae.’ This localization of Phoebe’s position strongly suggests Paul had in mind a specific status rather than general comportment.” “In other words, when Paul commends Phoebe to the Romans, he chooses to illuminate her specific leadership role within the Christian community in Cenchreae. Phoebe the deacon is a leader, and Paul wants the Romans to know it.”)


One thing she is famous for is that she carried and delivered Paul’s epistle to the Roman Christian church. And the person who delivered the letters also read them and answered questions about them (taught them).


Oh, and by the way, a woman named Junia is believed to have been an APOSTLE!


Romans 16:7 King James Version

7 Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Messiah before me.


John Chrysostom, an important early church father who was an archbishop of Constantinople in the fifth century, wrote: “And indeed to be apostles at all is a great thing. But to be even among these of note, just consider what a great tribute this is! But they were of note owing to their works, to their achievements. Oh! How great is the wisdom of this woman, that she should be even counted worthy of the appellation of apostle!”


In an article “Junia - The "Hidden" Apostle” by Dr. Rob Dixon it says:


“It’s possible that you’ve never heard the name Junia before. There are at least two reasons for that. For one thing, she is only mentioned in one verse in the last chapter of Romans. For another, for generations, Junia was systematically removed from our Bibles.” 


This was done because the ‘church leaders’ didn’t want it known that there was a female apostle!


And there was Thecla! “Thecla was a female Apostle converted by Paul directly in the 1st century. She survived attempted martyrdom TWICE by miraculous intervention: being burned alive and being killed by beasts. She founded a teaching and healing center in modern day Syria that functioned for 1,000 YEARS and still stands today. It is said that she put the local doctors out of business. First century church history confirms that she was an early apostle and the same figure who founded the Apostolic Center mentioned above.”


5.     A lot of Christian and also Sabbath keeping men who believe in oppressing women like to blame problems in the congregation on what they call a ‘Jezebel spirit’. Daniel Lee is guilty of this in a major way. If a woman teaches men or a man, then she is called a Jezebel. If a woman is outspoken and assertive, they’ll call her a Jezebel. The thing is, these were not the qualities that made Queen Jezebel evil. It is WHAT she taught men (and women) that made her evil. She taught them to worship the pagan god Baal, a deity that they sacrificed babies to, had ritual sex and orgies, and temple prostitutes, on behalf of, she had people murdered, was a prostitute, taught people to hate Yahuwah…  


Revelation 2:18-29 at the church of Thyatira, “you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.” (She actually taught them to worship Baal.) Men bent on oppressing women will use the memory of this evil woman to try and subdue women and fit them into ‘their’ little oppressive, abusive mold! She was eventually thrown out of a window to her death and the dogs ate her body, except for her skull and the palms of her hands and her feet (2 Kings 9:30-37).


Jezebel is a horrible and abusive title to put on women who don’t fit into some religious men’s molds, yet I’ve heard many men throw it around as if it was the answer to all their ‘woman hate’ issues. It wouldn't surprise me if some of these men would want to do this to women ministers.


6.     And the verse about women being saved in childbearing does not mean women will be saved if they have children. In that cult, which some were still clinging to after getting born-again, it was believed that the demon deity Artemis (also called Diana in Roman mythology), which the cult was all about the worship of ‘her’, was in charge of childbearing, and if you didn’t appease ‘her’ good enough they believed she would kill your baby during birth, or kill the mother, or both. Paul was letting the women know they didn’t need to appease this deity, but they needed to continue in the faith of Yahushuwa the Messiah, and trust in Him and they would be ‘saved’ (as in protected or saved from death) when giving birth. The Greek word for saved used in verse 15 is used elsewhere in the NT without reference to spiritual salvation. It can also mean “to rescue,” “to preserve safe and unharmed,” “to heal,” or “to deliver from.” In the context of this section of Scripture, this is what it means. Daniel teaches a FALSE teaching that women are to be baby making machines, and he probably bases it on a perverted use of this verse.


7.     Also, many understand that Priscilla wrote the book of Hebrews. Click on the link for more information on that. “Priscilla a woman who was a leader in the early church and an associate of Paul is ultimately the only suspect who meets all the qualifications for authorship.”


8.     When Yahuwah said He will make a help meet for Adam, the words did not mean ‘helper’, but ‘help meet’ and ‘for him’ was ʿēzer kĕnegdô’, which means, ‘a strength corresponding to him’, from Strong’s #5828 and #5048 and is used in other places in Scripture to mean ‘a military front’! This does NOT mean that the marriage is to be run like a military camp by a dictating and controlling man. It actually puts the woman in a position of authority and leadership. Something very interesting is that in Exodus 18:4 where it says “for the God of my father, said he, was mine help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh” – the word ‘help’ that is referring to ‘God’ is the same word used in Genesis 2:18, that refers to Eve. And in Psalm 46:1 where it says “Yahuwah is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” the word ‘help’ there is the same. And in John 14:16 where it says “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter…..” the word ‘comforter’ that is describing the Holy Spirit is Strong’s #3875 – ‘paraklētos’ which means ‘one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor’, ‘in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, aider, assistant’.


Now I’m not implying that a wife is the same thing as Yahuwah or the Holy Spirit, but this does show that Eve’s role (and a wife’s role) is similar to their roles and she is not an inferior ‘helper’ to Adam (the husband), as the word normally implies, but she is very important to him. The most authoritative biblical Hebrew dictionary (Ludwig Koehler, Walter Baumgartner, and Johann Jakob Stamm, Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (hereafter HALOT) 5 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1994–2000), 2 (1995): 811–12) lists biblical meanings of ʿēzer as “help, assistance, might, and strength,” but not “helper.” Three times ʿēzer describes a military protector. Nothing in the context of any of these passages warrants concluding that, as ʿēzer, either God or woman is subordinate to man.”


“The second word, kĕnegĕdô, combines kĕ (as) + negĕd (in front of) + ô (him) and so conveys “as in front of him.” Nāgîd, a noun related to negĕd, refers to the person in front and means, “the one declared (by Yahweh) to lead.” Therefore, like ʿēzer, kĕnegĕdô is more appropriate to identify a superior or equal than a subordinate. Nothing in the expression ʿēzer kĕnegĕdô in Gen 2 implies God created woman as a subordinate helper for man. Quite the opposite, it highlights her strength to be an equal partner with man, rescuing him from being alone. She is his counterpart: his companion and friend who complements him in exercising dominion over the earth. She fulfills him so that together they can be fruitful and care for the earth. Likewise, nothing in the Genesis account of creation grants man priority in status or authority over woman, but throughout it emphasizes their equality.” – “The Bible Teaches the Equal Standing of Man and Woman” by Philip B. Payne - Priscilla Papers ◆ Vol. 29, No. 1 ◆ Winter 2015


9.     The Proverbs 31 woman – check this out! Proverbs 31:10 – in verse 10, the word ‘virtous’ is #2428 ‘chayel’ in Strong’s Concordance and it means ‘an army’! That sounds like a powerful woman to me, not a wallflower! And Genesis indicates that she is a leader, not a servant.

Some men prefer a wallflower - a woman who looks attractive like a picture on the wall, but isn't outspoken, never makes waves by trying to preach or teach the Word to anyone, doesn't challenge her husband even when he's wrong - like mentally just stick her on the wall to look pretty, and come down when she's needed. Thankfully, most men are not like this, but there is an obnoxious handful of religious men who are. And Daniel appears to be one of them.

Read all of Proverbs 31 and this is the woman it describes: a woman who takes care of and runs the household, runs a business, buys and plants vineyards and manages them, makes quality clothing, feeds the poor people, is respected by her children and her husband, causes others to respect her husband, and her husband trusts her. He is not concerned about who is the ‘boss’. He feels secure with this woman who is so active and independent.


In 1 Timothy 5:14 ‘Guide the house’ is #3616 ‘oikodespoteō in Strong’s Concordance, and means ‘to be master (or head) of a house, to rule a household, manage family affairs.’ Household (oiko) /despot (despoteo) - In the online Merriam-Webster dictionary the word despot’s definition is ‘a ruler with absolute power and authority’. This is talking about the wife.


Before learning the meaning of that phrase, most will believe that it means the wife’s highest calling is to be a homemaker, in the sense of raising children, cooking meals, cleaning the house, etc., and while there is nothing wrong with a woman taking on this role and going no further, it is not what is meant by this Scripture. Daniel says a wife should be barefoot, in the kitchen and pregnant, pumping out babies – a baby pumping machine. This is not what Scripture teaches.


In these verses below, almost the same word is used, #3617oikodespotēs’ ‘master of a house, householder, talking about the man or husband.


Matthew 20:1 King James Version

1 For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, (#3617)

which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.


Matthew 24:43 King James Version

43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house (#3617) had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.


In the first one, the man is hiring people to work in his vineyard, and in the second it shows that the man is supposed to protect his household. Does that mean the woman cannot help do these things also? Remember Abigail and Nabal? He was not protecting his household from danger, but causing them to be in danger of being slaughtered instead, and his wife stepped in and did the protecting, and saved many lives in their community. And look at what the Proverbs 31 woman does (the chapter that is used to show us the ‘perfect wife’): 16 “She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.”


So these Scriptures show us that both the husband and the wife are the heads of the household, the rulers of the home.


Here it shows that both fathers and mothers are to teach their children the commandments of Yahuwah.


Proverbs 6:20-22 King James Version

20 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:

21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.

22 When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.


I actually met an elderly woman online who asked her pastor if she was going to miss Heaven because she was never able to have children! She was taught that the verse about being saved in childbirth meant a woman had to have children or she would not be saved, as in going to heaven! Her pastor neglected to answer her, and we know the man and he is evil also, but not in the same ways as Daniel, and this guy does teach that women are not allowed to teach or preach in the congregation, but only do that and prophecy in the home (I guess to the children and animals!) This is a false doctrine that has destroyed many lives for those who are bound by it. I wanted t clear ALL ABOUT THIS TOPIC up since Daniel seems to be obsessed with this demonic chauvinistic attitude towards women AND VERBALLY AND EMOTIONALLY ABUSES WOMEN EVERY CHANCE HE GETS WHEN THEY SPEAK UP. he treated all of his wives this way also – that HE was their lord and master and THEY were his property and had to OBEY him. This is very demonic – totally NOT Scriptural. I explained the Scripture to the woman so that she would know she does not need to have children in order to go to Heaven.


The Artemis false doctrine taught that Eve came first instead of Adam, and had special knowledge that Adam didn’t have, and Paul was simply clearing that up when he said that Adam was formed first and not Eve. He never said or implied that men were superior to women because Adam came first, but simply that Eve was not the one who came first.


Another area that he corrected was the men being angry. The cult taught the men to castrate themselves (or have themselves castrated). I don’t know the details of this as I haven’t dug real deep into it, but the thought is horrifying! Don’t you think that that would have caused some anger in the men? Paul instructed them to pray and worship the Messiah without wrath and doubt. As I said, this whole section was an effort to get men and women out of the mindset of Artemis worshippers and into the mindset of worshippers of Yahushuwa our Messiah. The men were angry and doubtful, the women were fearful and domineering, and showing off their wealth by wearing expensive fancy clothing and jewelry and hairdos, and Paul told the women to be modest and reveal their character with good works and not by showing off.


There is a lot of information here and it should correct any man who thinks women are property and who do not respect women, as Daniel does not respect women. Please get set free to fulfill the ministry calling that Yahuwah gave you gals. While it’s a historical fact that women have been treated like the husband’s property for centuries, and still are in many third-world countries, this does not mean that Yahuwah orders it to be this way. This is the result of the fall of man in the garden, and when we submit to Yahuwah, being born-again through Yahshuwa, we can get back to the way the relationship was before the fall. In Genesis 1:28, Yahuwah told them both to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it: and have dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth. He did not say anything to Adam about having dominion over his wife.


Most believers of the false doctrine reject any correction though. They are stiff-necked.

I haven't updated this in several days, but here are his current events, not necessarily in order:

Daniel Lee Most of my subscribers are so evil and wicked. They will send me LOTS of money when I do news stories, but when I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, they refuse to send money. Jesus will destroy my subscribers just as He will destroy most of the church in the USA, just as He will destroy most Americans in the USA. Jesus hates you America.


Yom Teruah -- Feast of Trumpets -- 2024: The Ezekiel Mantle

On this video he claims to have the mantel of the prophet Ezekiel.

Monday, Oct 7, 2024

Wicked City Clerks Tell Me I MUST Have A Court Appointed Attorney, I Rebuke Them, I Send Email To Clerks, Judge, Prosecutor and Police Quoting Matthew 10 & Stating Jesus Will Be My Defender (Regarding My Arrest And Approaching Court Date In Oneonta, N

Here is part of what he said on this video:

“…. so I called the City Clerks …. today … second of all, I don’t want a public defender … per Matthew 10, and the woman was really rude, she said “well you have to” I said “No I don’t ….” and she kept trying to talk …. I said “SHUT YOUR MOUTH WOMAN!” she’s like “Excuse me!” – she hung up on me. I called back, talked to another lady, told her the same thing, she said “You can send a letter to us ….. but you better be (can’t understand the word, maybe nicer)” I said “Shut your mouth, you’re so wicked” and I hung up on her.”


Can you imagine him talking that way to the judge in court?! ‘Judge, SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU’RE SO WICKED. YOU’RE GOING TO BE THROWN INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. JESUS HATES YOU!” I can imagine him talking that way to the judge and getting even more than a year in jail!


And here’s the letter he sent to the City Clerk to forward to the judge, and to the Prosecuting Attorney and to the Chief of Police and to the Lieutenant of the arresting officer. This letter is on his public video, and is shown here for the purpose of criticism and teaching – it falls under fair use copyright laws.

Now as Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton have come to America, he is preaching that God Himself is killing people because He hates them all

We are following him in this, to see what he comes up with next.

Comments under this Facebook post:

SG: Come on man God doesn't hate and these storms are man made....Not an act of God, but an act of evil

Daniel Lee:  SG You fool. Jesus does hate. Read Psalm 5:5. and you are obviously a sinner to make such an evil statement. So Jesus hates you too you wicked and filthy sinner!!!


RM:  Daniel Lee are you ok?

LS:  Knock if off.

Daniel Lee:  LS shut your mouth you wicked jezebel witch. Jesus hates you.

I Am Proven A True Prophet of Yah: Jesus HATES You America and Sent Hurricane Helene & Now Sends A Judgment Twice As Bad -- Hurricane Milton Cat 5 -- Because Jesus and His Father Hate Your Wicked trump, Jesus Hates Your Wicked Backslidings, Repent Ame

At the 7:00 spot he starts slamming people, naming names of good godly people and saying they are wicked people.

This is how he talks to a grieving mother who lost her son:

Another Facebook post:

And the comments below. Anyone who dares to disagree with him gets slammed.


Omgosh!!! Really??

Daniel Lee:  LN I Am Proven A True Prophet of Yah: Jesus HATES You America and Sent Hurricane Helene & Now Sends A Judgment Twice As Bad -- Hurricane Milton Cat 5 -- Because Jesus and His Father Hate Your Wicked trump, Jesus Hates Your Wicked Backlidings, Repent America!!!!


Where is the block button? And you're a street preacher? Not a very good one, I must say. Do some research, the Gov't bad guys have equipment that can seed the rain clouds and change the atmospheric pressure, they are likely causing this, via Satan. Not from God. Go repent. You do NOT know the Bible or my God very well. God is a god of love... Take care Daniel Lee, you are no friend of mine.

Daniel Lee:  RL I Am Proven A True Prophet of Yah: Jesus HATES You America and Sent Hurricane Helene & Now Sends A Judgment Twice As Bad -- Hurricane Milton Cat 5 -- Because Jesus and His Father Hate Your Wicked trump, Jesus Hates Your Wicked Backlidings, Repent America!!!!

Daniel Lee:  Richard Lazarow Psalm 5:5, you fool. Read it.


DP:  RL God allows it to happen.


Daniel Lee:  DH Because you're a blind, stupid jezebel witch. I've posted many times Psalm 5:5 and in my many videos mention that verse along with Psalm 139 and Romans 12:9. All proof that Jesus hates you wicked Americans. And Jesus despises you, you filthy and wicked woman!!!


TB God wouldn’t but bureaucratic greed seems to be more likely.

Daniel Lee:  TB I Am Proven A True Prophet .  Jesus hates you per 5:5, you are such a delusional jezebel wicked witch.


JS Jesus is standing outside the door for whosoever will, I’m sure that includes many many faith based Christian’s in America & Around the Globe. His Love prevails.

Daniel Lee:  JS I Am Proven A True Prophet


MG  Jesus does not hate. I hope you don’t preach this.

Daniel Lee:  MG You foolish witch. Read Psalm 5:5.


SR What!? They are doing this to us. Sheesh. I used to follow more.

Daniel Lee:  SR I Am Proven A True Prophet. Because you love sin and hate Jesus, you witch. And Jesus hates you per Psalm 5:5


MG  Jesus hates evil but the hurricanes are probably weather manipulation by the globalist

Daniel Lee:  MG Wrong you wicked man. Jesus hates you you liar.


RD I believe that He doesn't appreciate the [DS]. I guess that we will need the Ark to he shielded from the wrath.

Daniel Lee:  RD Has nothing to do with the DS. Has to do with all you trump idol worshippers and regular Americans who love your sin.


KT  Daniel, what happened to you? It sounds like a demon entered you! I use to follow you!

Daniel Lee:  KT It is called the Holy Spirit, you wicked witch. Jesus hates you. You're the one who looks like a filthy lesbian dyke. the Bible commands women to grow out their hair, it is their glory -- yet you cut it short making yourself look like a lesbo. Why do you hate the Bible and hate Jesus? Why are you so utterly Satanic?


CF  Daniel Lee, you are full of beans. God Loves America. You sound like you have become the Devil's dinner. That demon feeds on anger. Face your anger issues and beseech God's guidance.....time to renew!!

Daniel Lee:  CF Jesus hates you, you wicked jezebel witch. And Jesus will laugh at your calamity.


MM One thing I know, the will of God almighty is life to his children. Remember, the power of the hurricane is predicted by men not God, God's prediction is amazing protection. God's grace is so sufficient even to those who are broken like me.

Daniel Lee:  MM Yah and His Son Jesus will protect the righteous remnant. But most Americans are living in sin, and Jesus hates most Americans. Jesus will send worse and worse judgments until He finally allows Russia and China to nuke the USA and reduce this nation to a nuclear wasteland of radiation because Jesus hates Americans so much as they pursue their idols and sins.


GS  It's clear that you're passionate about your faith and the events unfolding around you. However, I want to encourage focusing on God's love, mercy, and grace in these situations. Jesus' message is one of hope, healing, and redemption, and it's important to remember that even in difficult times, God is present, offering guidance and strength.

If you'd like to talk more about these feelings or explore how you can channel your faith into something constructive, I'm here to listen. Let’s continue to focus on how to be a light in these challenging moments, keeping faith in God's plan.

Daniel Lee:  Get back Satan now Jesus also took a whip and in righteous wrath, drove the money changers out of the temple.


I Only Have $70 Left In My Bank Account, Hilda's Precious Letter To Me, Michelle Annette Rejoices That She Now Grasps The Righteous Hatred of Jesus and His Father, Milton Goes From Cat 4 Then Back To Cat 5, Ministry Update, T-Minus 4 Days Till Yom Ki

So here he is threatening people to a deeper level in hell if they don't give him money! MS is the lady he stayed with and wanted to marry, who asked him to leave and he started slandering her from then on:

5:30 M S, you’ve got all those tens of thousands of dollars, you’re supposed to continue to support me but because you’re wicked and you hate God and I’ve called you out and you’re not sending me any money, well you know what? For every dollar that you’re not sending me that you should have, because you’re living in sin, that’s gonna be one more damnation of a deeper level of hell you’re gonna go to.

Massive Tornadoes Spawn From Milton, Killing Many -- Jesus LAUGHS At Your Calamity Floridians! Psalm 2 Jesus HATES You America! -- Jesus Blesses Me Daniel Lee And Exalts My Horn In New Anointing!

At 9:25 spot he said:   “If any of you decide to even THINK about being opposed to this ministry, you’re on your way to hell, you’re on your way to the lake of fire, cause my ministry’s filled with the Holy Spirit, IT’S BRIMMING WITH LOVE, I’m filled with love, the true love of God, because I love God first and my neighbor as myself and part of that love is manifesting righteous hatred for you wicked hypocrites you stubborn wicked idolaters and sinners who refuse to repent.


Well, he admits that he hates people. Does Yahuwah (God) ever tell us to hate people? Or does he tell us to love our enemies? And why would people be your enemies simply because they didn't totally agree with you one some points?

Multiple Deaths From Tornadoes As Death Toll Rises, Florida Dome Shredded, 3 Million Without Power, 1-1000 year Rainfall, 100mph Wind Gusts, Siesta Key Prophetic Word, Jesus Hates You Americans & Blesses Me Daniel Lee

“,,,,to show me how much He’s anointing my ministry, how much He’s just very happy, giving me an ‘atta boy’”.

3:55 “You’d better listen to me. I’m one of the hundred forty-four thousand. I’m a holy, sinless man of God, covered in the blood of Jesus filled with the fruits of the Spirit, obeying God and His Son Jesus everyday, out of a love for Him. You’d better listen to me. You’d better follow me as I follow Christ cause if you don’t, you’re gonna go to hell.”

5:46 on… telling Christians not to pray for the people in Florida…

“You guys are a bunch of filthy retarded idiots. No, you oughta pray that God’s ferocity slams, and I pray that the misery in Florida will multiply even more upon you hypocrites and sinners in Florida that it might lead you to repentence. I odn’t pray that you get food and water and you get all your comforts, no I pray that you’re in misery, that that misery might humble you because nothing else has worked."

This video is from one of his university tours a year ago, fall of 2023. This channel is devoted to exposing Daniel.

Daniel Lee tells student.. “why don’t you k_ll yourself..  Do it” at 0:24 - Seriously???

Here's a recent comment to me from an x-follower of his:

"You can tell it rakes nothing for him to be triggered and rage. He is a very Hateful person so no Holy spirit lives within. He curses people, he claims he does not sin. But calls others out for little things. I know he's Evil. I haven't read the 10 miles of text cause I have a hurricaine coming straight for me. I think he blocked me from commenting Feel sorry for the women he conned."

"He made a post tonight saying God made Hurricane Helene because hates those people and Hurricane Milton is going to be worst. GOD MADE G HIM A much hate a evil. I feel so bad for those women that fell for him because you can feel the evil abusive rage. I can't even say anything on the comments because he shut off my comments."

Psalm 5:5 -- Jesus Hates You Americans & Helene/Milton Are Just The First In A Series OF Judgments Leading up To Trump Confirming The Daniel 9:27 Covenant & Then Nuclear War Will Be Unleashed Against You, Ezekiel Chapter 24!!! Wyoming Is BURNING!!


In this one he’s giving all kinds of so-called prophecies about the destruction of America, saying it’s because God hates Americans. He names some people whom I know love Yahuwah saying they are wicked and hate God and God hates them, and that is a lie! Whether America is judged by Yahuwah I am not going to argue against. We are at the end of the last days, with the Tribulation coming up real soon, and America as a whole has become more and more wicked in sin, but Daniel is NOT one to follow and he doesn’t know much of what he is talking about, is very abusive about how he ‘ministers’, lies about many people, is teaching wrong doctrine about the Tribulation. And he is not prophesying about the events against America – these have been told by others and he is repeating them, trying to make himself look like a prophet if they happen.

Here is a site devoted to exposing Daniel as he really is. Here are some comments below the video:

"Okay, let's examine the legal defense of Attorney Daniel John Lee, aka Fatlock: Most of Fatlock's defense seems predicated in the notion that Jesus rebuked people as strongly as Dando rebuked Amanda Perlin. First, no contemporary court is going to care about something that happened 2000 years ago in a different culture, legal and political system. Second, nobody knows how strong Christ's rebukes were, but the Scriptures give most rational people the notion that he was not generally mean and hateful in his approach to ministry. Daniel John Lee's own video evidence indicates just the opposite. Third, Fatlock committed a real boner with the resisting arrest, to which he even confessed in one of his own videos. He wrestled and resisted being handcuffed, until he had to be threatened with a taser. Fourth, there is no evidence that Ms. Perlin said anything to escalate the disagreement to the volatile eruption displayed by Fatlock. Finally, the video evidence indicates that if the security forces present had not intervened and positioned themselves between Fatlock and Ms. Perlin, something worse very well might have occurred. Nor did Fatlock reduce his intensity after Ms. Perlin was escorted off to safety."

"Just wait until he starts blasting-off in court about Yah, they don't know the law and heavens only knows what else. May the Judge bang the gavel after 3 seconds and shut the monster up."

"Great points and layout of the landscape Peach! NONE of Dan’s victims deserve the verbal harassment and vile tongue assaults they get from him!! Death curses, extreme devaluing slurs and character annihilating diatribes when they do little more than say 3 words. Dan erupts without any provocation…He is unhinged. Videos from this week also show Dan has zero respect for authority, law enforcement or teaching staff. They too, get derogatory names just for speaking. He dismisses EVERYONE as less than him, and less than deserving civil discourse."

"If Dando isn't held accountable then his bully pulpit will only get worse because they are giving him permission to continue his antics. Dando sure came close to that female student sitting on the curb."

"Wasnt that just SO BLASPHEMOUS?? Its obviously narcissistic and delusional on full display..but it is SIN and breaks at least 3 scriptural warnings!! He is SO out of line!"

"The gross display of narcissism and blasphemous self exaltation!!! In Dan’s latest holiday of Trumpet video.. HE INSERTS HIS OWN NAME and other SELF ORIENTED COMMENTARY INTO the Holy scriptures!! He then death word curses everyone ELSE, and deems himself one of the 144,000. “They/we all will die miserable deaths”…while he is ‘holy and perfect’. He tells people to REPENT TO HIM***** THese are SERIOUS mental schisms!! THese daily RANTS wishing people death, and public name calling/shaming. Accusing people he doesnt know , as being ‘SATANISTS’ ! This is outrageous. Hate** is the driving force and inner demon of Dan J Lee. PERIOD. If Dans ministry is ‘Jesus’ ministry’….then he is MESSING IT UP and FAILING Jesus greatly! How vile this man is… PLEASE universities, police, DAs, Court system.. DO SOMETHING to stop this !"

"I see the Daniel of old popping up lately. That’s not good. It reminds me of the times when he was targeting his first wife. Seems he’s on the edge and this could go very badly. His godly notions are coming through and he believes IMO that he’s the all powerful. Could be a dangerous situation. Js Again I ask, is he off his meds or does he need to be medicated?"

"I was thinking the same ______! This seems weirdly familiar, like the time he disappeared into the wilderness rather than face the legal consequences of his abuse and malevolence, hurling curses and prophesying doom over his ex-wife (in front of the kids), cursing and damning the judge in the case and everybody else involved, (and then sadly skating by on the technicality that he was only voicing the judgment of God). Same with his raging against the leaders of cornerstone Church, where that bizarre, crazy eyed cursing in tongues clip comes from. History really is repeating itself, all the stuff that he vaguely claims to have ‘repented’ of."

"yes...this is INSANE and I HATE the way he grossly misinterprets the Bible!!"

"God is everything the narcissist ever wants to be: omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, admired, much discussed, and awe inspiring. God is his ultimate grandiose fantasy. But God comes handy in other ways as well. THe Narcissist’s Relationship Cycle With God: In the idealization phase, he strives to emulate Him, he admires Him, imitates Him..often ludicrously), and defends Him. They cannot go wrong, or be wrong…ever! The narcissist feels his association to God makes HIMSELF bigger than life, infallible, perfect, whole, and brilliant. ANYONE who doesnt match up to the narcissist’s unrealistic and inflated expectations are inevitably banished, and he begins to devalue all but himself. Now all others are “human” (to the narcissist, a derogatory term). They are small, fragile, error-prone, pusillanimous, mean, dumb, and mediocre. The narcissist uses his ‘Godly authority’ to devalue others. But often, even when disillusionment and iconoclastic despair have set in – the narcissist continues to pretend to love God and follow Him. The narcissist maintains this deception because his continued proximity to God confers on him authority. Priests, leaders of the congregation, preachers, evangelists, cultists, politicians, intellectuals – all derive authority from their allegedly privileged* (self perceived) relationship with God. Abusing Religious Authority: *Religious authority allows the narcissist to indulge his sadistic urges and to exercise his misogynism freely and openly. Such a narcissist is likely to taunt and torment his followers, hector and chastise them, humiliate and berate them, abuse them spiritually, or even sexually. The narcissist whose source of authority is religion is looking for obedient and unquestioning slaves upon whom to exercise his capricious and wicked mastery…an AUDIENCE to exalt Himself /his ‘superiority. The narcissist transforms even the most innocuous and pure religious sentiments into a cultish ritualistic soapbox."

"CONTINUED…. He preys on the gullible. His flock become his patsies and ‘hostages.’ Religious authority also secures the narcissist’s Narcissistic Supply. His subscribers, members of his congregation, his parish, his constituency, are HIS audience – He becomes ENTITLED as he sees their loyalty a stable sources of Narcissistic Supply., via attention, money or perks. They obey his commands, heed his admonitions, follow his creed, admire his personality, applaud his personal traits, satisfy his needs (sometimes even his carnal desires), revere and idolize him..If they stray he will become a rabid monster to destroy them as punishment, using manipulation and demeaning. God As A Source For Narcissitic Supply: Moreover, being a part of a “bigger thing” is very gratifying narcissistically. Being a particle of God, being immersed in His grandeur, experiencing His power and blessings first hand, communing with him – are all Sources of unending Narcissistic Supply to the Narcissist..He’s “up high where he feels he belongs”. The narcissist becomes* God by observing His commandments, following His instructions, loving Him, obeying Him, succumbing to Him, merging with Him, communicating with Him to gain himself FAVOR he feels he deserves. The bigger the narcissist’s enemy – the more grandiosely important the narcissist feels…apart from ‘lowly sinners’. Like everything else in the narcissist’s life, he mutates God into a kind of inverted narcissist. God becomes his dominant Source of Supply. He forms a personal relationship with this overwhelming and overpowering entity – in order to overwhelm and overpower others. He becomes God vicariously, by the proxy of his relationship with Him. This dynamic gives him SPIRITUAL RIGHTS and SUPERIORITY to demean all those he feels he’s better than."

"Wow. Not sure where you sourced this, ____, but you definitely described Fatlock to a T."

"I vote it's Dando blowing smoke up peoples -zz to take attention away from him being a lost lunatic."

"Dando even thinks the donators taking him in to their house that have worked hard to acquire what they have are the little people beneath him."

"Totally excellent points _____ !! I loved how you used the phrase "worked hard to acquire what they have". Danny shows so much disrespect to those that worked hard to get a house that he can even be offered to stay in. Then he STILL rebukes them and says "your daughters are going to die from a nuke !!" {I presume it's because he was asked to leave the house - you can't do that to mighty and anointed and self righteous POS evil bastard Danny !! - If you do, then you getting a nuke courtesy of Vlaldimir Putin !!"

"Pastor Dan is getting mucho negative feedback on his last two videos, mostly posters telling him he is insane and unqualified to be a minister. Expect a mass deletion purge soon, but in the meantime, some choice posts: affman 4 hours ago Your brain is cooked. 32 likes Beachhouse1711 4 hours ago Soooo agree with you! 29 likes Beachhouse1711 4 hours ago Daniel, I was a dedicated fan to you when you first started with the child trafficking…. I followed you for years, with a huge group of my friends. I have no idea how you fell off mountain you were building …. Everyone that was following you faithfully……………. Are gone!…………I can’t even finish listening you! I think you have lost your ever loving mind! I think you are the TRICKSTER!!! You’ve been infiltrated by the 👺👺👺-side! I 🙏🙏🙏 31 likes Myhawkeye 1 hour ago You turn on everyone that has helped you, you spent years getting others to follow Trump and now you leave no mercy for others that do, you worry and beg for money, get a job, Paul made tents !!! You have no authority and definitely won't decide who goes to the lake of fire. You lie every day but if someone confronts you you delete the message, that's cowardly. SHAME on you for taking advantage of elderly women instead of getting a job, stop being lazy. You think you are a big man of God yelling at little girls, you don't know Jesus, he wouldn't whip the students or rebuke them, He did to the religious for trying to trick him and because they wanted to kill him. Students would fall in the category of the ones he led to eternal life, general sinners. YOU say Jesus comes to kill and destroy ??? Hurricane ??? No He came to give life abundantly, your god came to steal, kill and destroy ! You are evil and your days are numbered by God !! Myhawkeye 1 hour ago You're not qualified to be a pastor or an elder, your house, you don't have one, is NOT in order ! You failed as a father and a husband because you're hireling not a shepherd! A shepherd doesn't beat his sheep. You're not even allowed to be in the same county as your children because you are so dangerous. You also say God made you a Trans-virgin ??? Your deranged , seek mental help. 26 likes Myhawkeye 1 hour ago You shouldn't try teaching the Bible, you don't understand it at all, all you like to do is cause strife and division, and argue with little girls, you are brother to the destroyer. You're the deep state ! By the way you are a pro at being retarded !! 27 likes"

"So…in the past couple months alone, Dan has claimed that he’s got a mantle of how many Bible characters? Today it’s EZEKIEL .. Last week it was Jeremiah Week before that it was apostle Paul Then it was Moses.. ..and lets not forget his commandments that you must FOLLOW HIM, like Jesus, including repenting to HIM WHO’s THE WICKED ONE?? Dan who exalts himself daily, to GOD level, …how blasphemous!! Satan couldnt do a better job of finding someone to scream GOD HATES YOU at numerous people and word curse hundreds a day. UGH, Dear God.. help!…and intervene in this insanity.. In Jesus name."



Oct 07, 2024

He is Hateful and Evil. He's not a reflection of God for God is love. I feel sorry for any women that fell for his deceitful behavior for no women would consent to that.

Oct 08, 2024
Replying to

Yes, can you imagine trying to live with him? And he is smelly cause he doesn't like to use deodorant, toothpaste and probably not soap. He just the other day told a woman in the legal system, on the phone, to shut her mouth! Two women actually. He called them and didn't like what they said so he said that. He got arrested for harassing a female college student last week, has to go to court in a few weeks, and has already told the judge, district attorney and others off. I do hope he smarts off to the judge, tells him or her to shut their mouth, and goes to jail! He could get a year in jail as…


Shalom Girl
Shalom Girl
Oct 02, 2024

Sorry I was on his show, If I'd of only known. I do not consent, asked him to remove me from his book under the shadow of his wings chapter# 46. I want nothing more to do with this abusive goat.

Oct 08, 2024
Replying to

I'm sorry you got into his book and probably verbally abused, as that seems to be his common response to most women. He just the other day told a woman in the legal system, on the phone, to shut her mouth! Two women actually. He called them and didn't like what they said so he said that. He got arrested for harassing a female college student last week, has to go to court in a few weeks, and has already told the judge, district attorney and others off. I do hope he smarts off to the judge, tells him or her to shut their mouth, and goes to jail! He could get a year in jail as it is for…

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